Need food trucks? Look no further.

We'll find available food trucks for your wedding or event, free of charge.

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List received within 24 hours.
Any type of event.
Can meet any dietary needs and preferences.
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Jessie Dolezel

Jessie Dolezel

We've utilized Okie Food Trucks twice now for events and both times had excellent experiences. Okie Food Trucks helps cut down on how many emails, calls, etc have to go out to find, locate and contact trucks for events. Anything that saves me time and energy is A+ in my book! Thanks Okie Food trucks!
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Contact Person

Event Details

Venue name and city.
A rough estimate of how many people will be attending the event.
A website or Facebook page where food trucks can learn more about this event, venue, organization hosting the event, etc.
Do food trucks have to pay any fees? What hookups are available? Specific food type you're looking for? What time do you want food trucks to setup/shutdown?

Notification Method

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